Illustration depicting different personality traits associated with personality disorders, showcasing a fragmented silhouette with various emotional expressions.

5 Overlooked Signs of a Personality Disorder

Lavanya Vallabh
Lavanya Vallabh
Tue Sep 17 2024

You may have encountered individuals in your lives that are completely troublesome, have unstable behaviour patterns, are hard to deal with, and have severe mood swings. They could sound different than other people, and all of the behaviour creates a person with typical personality traits commonly known as a Personality Disorder.

Many times, these signs go unnoticed unless and until these personality traits start to hinder your normal life and disrupt your relationship. These behaviour patterns create a negative vibe in the house too, and become difficult to cope with. Each personality disorder exhibits several traits. Some are common, while some are totally different. They may also be a part of the cluster of personality disorders too. When encountered by triggers, the subdued personality disorder traits come out with a band, causing more damage. Co-morbid conditions make it even worse to deal with. Hence a clinical diagnosis and assessment will help you get clarity on the condition. Further, treatment and therapy can be planned accordingly. Some conditions are curable completely, while some need to be managed with medication and therapy for a lifetime.

Common Traits Of Personality Disorders

A few of the most commonly reported and least understood signs of personality disorders are unbalanced expectations, unreasonable demands, uncontrollable behaviour, adversity, mood swings, and extreme behaviour patterns. These signs could be caused by a variety of disorders, such as Histrionic, Narcissistic, and Obsessive-compulsive disorder of personality, Bipolar personality disorders, as well as Schizoid personality disorder.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissists can be very self-confident, yet their egos are fragile and require constantly a flow of attention, praise, and admiration. They constantly seek out praise and often rely on other people to feel valued and powerful. To satisfy their desires They may be prone to abusive behaviour including inflicting insults or bullying others.

Narcissists are extremely difficult to avoid. Since they are self-centred and have no empathy, they aren’t inclined to behave with respect. If you see the signs of narcissism, you may have to confront your narcissist in person. Sometimes there will be violence and you should stay clear of the situation if it is possible. Relationship issues are the most common symptom of Narcissism.

Narcissistic people aren’t common however they do exist. They can affect as much as up to one percent of our population. Around half of them are males and 50 to 70 percent suffer from an anxiety disorder. Narcissists typically have confidence in themselves, but this self-esteem that is fragile is heavily dependent on self-deception and external validation. They tend to believe they are above others and want the same kind of relationship with people of higher social standing. In the case of personality disorders, narcissists are extremely sensitive and susceptible to being injured.

Histrionic Personality Disorder

If you believe that your child suffers from a historical personality disorder, it is recommended to think about consulting an expert in mental health. Personality disorders are an illness that affects a person’s thinking as well as their behaviour, thoughts, and impulses. It can hinder their ability to create happy relationships in various situations. It is important to remember that these disorders can be difficult to treat and can be difficult to identify.

The signs of histrionic personality disorder can vary from person to person, but there are common characteristics. These include difficulties in connecting to others and a lack of control over their emotions, as well as difficulties in managing their behaviour. People with these disorders might also exhibit impulsive or reckless behaviours.

Histrionic Personality disorders are classified into one of three clusters that are based on common traits. Disorders of personality in cluster A are distinguished by a high level of drama or exuberance and the disorders in cluster B are characterised by fear. The degree of severity of the disorder is determined by the extent of its occurrence and the severity of symptoms.

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterised by an uncontrollable pattern of thoughts and anxieties (obsessions) which cause you to perform repetitive behaviours (compulsions). Obsessions and compulsions cause problems with everyday activities and create major distress.

You can attempt to shut down or ignore the obsessions, but it will only increase your stress and anxiety. In the end, you are compelled to commit compulsive actions to alleviate the stress. Despite your efforts to avoid or eliminate irritable thoughts or desires and urges, they come back. This can lead to more repetitive behaviours and the loop of OCD.

OCD typically revolves around specific topics, such as an overly fearful of being contaminated by bacteria.

Schizoid Personality Disorder

Schizoid personality disorders are a rare condition that sees individuals to avoid social interactions and are prone to avoid social interaction. Also, these individuals have a restricted ability to express emotions.

If you suffer from a schizoid personality disorder you might be perceived as someone who is aloof or dismissive of other people and may not have the capacity or desire to build close relationships with others. Since you aren’t inclined to express emotion, you could seem as if you don’t think about other people or what’s happening around you.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, previously known as manic depression is a mental illness that causes extreme mood swings. These can be characterised by extreme emotional hypers (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression).

If you are depressed it is possible to feel depressed or depressed, and you may become bored or disinterested in all of your things. If your mood changes into hypomania or mania (less severe than the mania) You may experience energetic, happy, or irritability in a way that is unusual. These mood swings can impact the quality of your sleep, energy levels as well as judgement, behaviour, as well as capacity to concentrate. These mood swings could occur only occasionally or more than once every year. Although most people feel some symptoms of emotional distress between events, some might not be experiencing any.

Effects On Other Aspects Of Life

People with personality disorders generally have the tendency to challenge others or their boundaries. They can also be impulsive and aggressive in their home settings and this behaviour could be misinterpreted as passive-aggressive behaviour out of the home. They might also be a victim of constant drama with their peers and believe they are being viewed as a victim by others.

The most severe personality disorders are connected with serious impairments within a person’s daily life that includes social, academic, and occupational performance. Additionally, they could be damaging to the person they are affecting and to other people. A personality disorder can cause problems in every aspect of one’s life. This must be taken into consideration when one’s behaviour starts to affect relationships.

People with personality disorders are prone to problems in relationships, especially those who have the disorder of borderline personality. They are unable to comprehend other people and are unable to discern other people’s emotions. They are unable to discern what other people are thinking and do not think about the impact their actions have on other people. To build better relationships with other people individuals must identify their weaknesses in interpersonal relationships and not blame other people.

Treatment and Plan

Personality disorders, some can be treated while some need to be managed with medicines and therapy. The dosage of medicines can be reduced or may be increased asper the need.

CBT proves to be beneficial for anger management issues, behavioural issues, and other issues that hamper normal life. Regular therapies, and following a proper treatment plan will help a person in a long way to overcome the hurdles that come along with Personality disorders.

It is vital to understand that the symptoms of a personality disorder are different for every person. The personality of a person develops throughout their life. While the symptoms of PD can appear similar, they could have a tendency to increase their symptoms during stressful times. If symptoms of PD are evident you should seek out an experienced mental health professional to make an accurate diagnosis.

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