The Housewife Syndrome

The Housewife Syndrome

Lavanya Vallabh
Lavanya Vallabh
Fri Apr 28 2023

“I have become a housewife and there is no better job.”

Celine Dion

Are you a tireless worker making sure you take into consideration all the needs of family members? Do you find yourself exhausted by the end of your day and are constantly depressed in the mood? Do you feel depressed about your self-worth and feel as if you’re working the most unfulfilling job you could ever have? No one acknowledges your efforts and everyone is unhappy and nobody is impressed by your talents and talents or the sacrifices you’ve made in your daily life. I believe the majority of women can relate to these concerns, especially home wives and homemakers. If this is the state of your mind and you are constantly sad, depressed and suicidal and you feel like getting out of your home and breaking every shackle that is blocking you, then you’re suffering from House Wife Syndrome for sure. It isn’t a condition however it is a state of mind that is triggered by being in a state of depression, feeling under-valued, being subject to abuse, oppression and more from a marriage. If one is susceptible to negative feelings through the children of a husband or relatives is not a matter of concern it’s the mindset women go through over the many years. This causes a myriad of health issues, including premature aging mood swings, a decrease in sexual drive, depression, anxiety, stress and a constant feeling of feelings of low self-worth. Changes in the menstrual cycle and gastrointestinal disorders headaches, constant moments of suicidal feeling. The perpetual worry in the mind can make women irritable and can trigger other behaviour changes that affect family and the marriage negatively.

Perhaps we’ve had the experience of it ourselves and may have observed our moms attentively as they explained why they were discontent, or constantly nagging and shouting at each other for something or other. What impact did our actions have on her or how she may feel when we spoke harsh phrases to her? This all comes together to conclude that the housewife or a homemaker can go through this stage. Housewife’s syndrome, however, was largely ignored for a long time. Now it has now come more prominently due to the increasing instances of domestic violence oppression, domestic violence, and other social issues women in the home face which are impacting her emotional and mental health. Additionally, increased awareness and access to mental health professionals have prompted her to seek out help.

Women and Society

The constantly evolving society and the shifting roles of women over the last decades have put the burden on her. The need for educated brides, be capable of working and supporting families, or to quit their jobs to take care of the family, manage the household as a household worker and be able to do multiple tasks without compromising on quality is putting her in a difficult position. If women are an alleged hue wife, then there are different expectations. If the woman who is the housewife is educated She feels marginalised and experiences feelings of low self-esteem as she observes her knowledge and skills not being put to good use. Domestic violence, domestic abuse as well as an untrustworthy partner can cause a lot of stress.

Signs and symptoms of the Housewife Syndrome

The symptoms of the syndrome are anxiety, depression, somatization, interpersonal sensitivity, as well as obsessive-compulsive symptoms. It can impact the physical health of a couple, their marriage as well as stability. Housewives typically play a caregiver position within their families. The negative self-image they have can impact their mental health and this can cause problems with eating and sleep.

Housewives are at a higher chance to develop eating disorders, especially if they have young children. Self-perception issues can increase the likelihood of experiencing psychological signs. It is believed that women who have low self-esteem tend to be anxious, stressed and dissatisfied in their marriages. They’re usually too busy to make time to themselves. They might even have an unflattering opinion of themselves. This can cause anger, sleep disorders, and anxiety.

Housewife syndrome is a condition that can be grave. Research has shown that women who are on the point of menopausal transition will likely be depressed, suffer from morbid obsession and may develop physical symptoms. Their husbands might not want to spend the time they spend with them. The wife might experience aloofness from her family, while the husband might not want to be intimate.

Treatment and Therapy for the Housewife Syndrome

Housewives shouldn’t have to suffer with these symptoms. Therapies and treatments can allow them to recover and lead a normal life. Discussion about the issues one is able to take away the burden from women. They require someone to be a part of their journey and assist them in tackling their issues in a straightforward manner.

Mental health professionals or doctors must be attentive to the needs of their patients. They should examine their physical health and be able to comprehend and alleviate their fears. If they fail to do this the patients of their patients might be suffering from physical or emotional injury. Some symptoms associated with housewife syndrome could be severe, but they’re not life-threatening. Certain doctors may be in a position to treat the issue and there are a few solutions readily available.

Talk Therapy or Counselling

This is the best method of dealing with the housewife syndrome since speaking with someone will allow you to release all the unresolved anger inside. This will allow you to gain a better understanding of what’s happening in your life and how you can deal with the situation in a more effective manner. The only thing a woman requires is someone who will listen to her, without being judgmental and help her to overcome any prejudgments.

At TickTalkTo app, we have curated the best psychologists, counsellors and mental health specialists who can support you in times of distress. Our non-judgmental and compassionate approach will provide you a safe space to seek counselling support. Download the app and take the first step.

Conversations with family and members of support groups and friends

Women can comprehend the other woman more. Talking to peer groups, support groups, or talking to other women in the family, like mothers, mother-in-laws will help you heal better and faster. This can help you receive emotional assistance in a more sympathetic manner. Housewife syndrome isn’t an usual mental disorder. It’s usually a combination of small issues that create problems, which can create hugely distressing for you. So, getting the appropriate emotional support in time will provide a great benefit.

A hobby or a passion to pursue

In the past in the old days, the women of the home were always involved in many different things. They were able to take part in seasonal activities, like drying up vegetables and making pickles, lemonades or juices, knitting, stitching, and other pursuits. Every season was important and a list of tasks to be completed. This kept women active and they were attracted to a variety of creative things. They had little time to make an effort to deal with emotions, and other matters.

As time passes, some of these activities have become becoming extinct. Therefore, you should re-energize yourself with imagination and hobbies that have been lost for a long time.

Taking up a job

This is the most beneficial way to live your life. It’s not about how much you earn, it’s more about gaining some time and using it effectively. A few bucks can boost your morale, increase self-confidence and help empower women. Additionally, it will make it easier to overcome their self-esteem issues, as the talents of a woman are used to the fullest extent. Nowadays various work from home jobs are available where one can work as per one’s convenience and strike a balance between personal and professional life.

Include family members in the project

Don’t assume a psychological responsibility. In any undertaking, you should include family members who are involved as well. Ask for the assistance of your spouses, children, mothers-in-law and other family members. This will aid you to complete the job more quickly and create harmony within the family, along with a sense of belonging and accountability.


Make a plan for your day and take time to enjoy your own time. Utilise that time to cultivate your interests, skills and exercise, or take a stroll, join the gym, take a spa trip or meet up with others or shop for you. This will allow you to take an escape from the daily routine and you’ll be able to connect to yourself more effectively.

Remember your mental wellbeing is as important as your physical wellbeing.